How Do SEO Pillar Pages Drive Inbound Growth?


SEO Pillar pages are detailed web pages aimed at helping your site rank for specific keywords or content themes. Through careful keyword research and the use of well written and structured pillar pages, it is possible to beat the competition and ensure your domain ranks in the best possible positions within search results.

Consistent internal linking is key when designing the perfect pillar pages for your brand, and that is how you create topic clusters.

If you would like to know more about developing pillar pages, this article offers a fantastic insight and lots of tips. However, today, we’re going to discuss all the ways in which effective use of the concept could help to drive growth for your operation.

Improving SEO

Pillar pages can help your tech website to rank in better positions within search engine results. They can also help to ensure you get more than one link listed on the first page if you use internal linking effectively.

For example, you might create a pillar page called something like “Guide to Personalisation Software & Tools for CMOs.” You could then link internally to other pages delving into the finer details of the same subject on your website – just think how many shorter form posts you could write relating to personalisation. Get it right, and you might achieve more than one listing near to the top of search results for the broader topic.

Improving Quality

Any pillar pages you create for your technology company will take time and effort. They will delve into complex subjects in detail and cover them from every conceivable angle.

Make sure the core messages are aligned within the entirety of the content, and that will help to improve search ranking while making sure your company offers something genuinely valuable to the reader.

Pillar pages also create a logical and methodical journey through the subject and your website which makes lead generation more achievable. They are a great way of acquiring organic traffic to your site at the beginning of the customer journey (the Awareness stage).

Providing Content Maps

After creating a pillar page, it is often easy for your team to come up with related topics and subjects that would benefit your audience. So, it’s possible to use the pillar page as a content map that aids your marketers in working out what they need to do next when it comes to content strategy.

It’s possible to link to new content from the pillar page at any point, and you can also link back to the pillar page within any new articles, web text, or blog posts you produce.

Encouraging Content Binging

By publishing detailed and insightful information on a particular subject, it is possible to encourage website visitors to engage in content binging. That could mean they stay on your site for hours reading every piece of information on the topic.

Not only will that help with your SEO efforts and reduce your tech website’s bounce rate, but it will also help to draw new clients towards your company and ensure they understand the value of your products or services.

They will also begin to trust your brand and see it as an industry authority. With a bit of luck, that should result in higher-quality leads and conversions.

There is no getting away from the fact that SEO pillar pages and topic clusters can help to drive a staggering level of growth for your technology company in 2019. If you haven’t included them in both your SEO and marketing plans already, now is the time to learn as much as possible about the technique and incorporate it.

Remember: 71% of B2B researchers start with a generic search, not a branded one. Therefore SEO is a key channel for lead generation for many of our B2B technology clients.

Keep Reading: Guide to SEO for B2B Technology Companies

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