Guide: website Design for b2b technology businesses
Discover how to make your B2B website a lead generating machine and follow our best practice tips and tricks to help you stand out from your competitors.
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What's Inside?
Difference between B2B & B2C websites
The most successful B2B and B2C tech websites have lots of similarities, but they also have a number of differences that are
difficult to ignore.
The importance of user intent
Understanding what motivates buyers is crucial for success with B2B tech website design.
B2B Tech Website Design Best Practices
Learn about what the best practices for things like CTAs, Educational Resources and clear and concise content.
How to get the cutting edge
Find out how you can stand apart from the crowd and catch the attention of buyers.
About 93x
93x are a specialist B2B technology focused digital agency, delivering inbound and digital marketing for ambitious B2B tech companies.
Growth focused clients work with us thanks to our intricate understanding of customer journeys in the B2B technology space. Find out more at